January 7, 2011

T-Minus 3 Days

So, it is official, we are jobless, homeless and living with our parents. SweetJ

The countdown to departure is down to a couple of days!!! All that is left is to pack up our bags. Gone are the days of electric toothbrushes, blow dryers, hair straighteners, make-up, hair spray...you get the point. You can see why I am having difficulty figuring out what I actually need to pack. Do I need a rain jacket and a long sleeve shirt and a sweater, how many shorts and how many underwear...a little stressful. I am sure I will be throwing out half the stuff that I have in my backpack before the end of next week. Oh well, I will learn my lesson really quickly once I am hauling that thing all over the world.

Anyways, we just wanted to say goodbye to those whom we will not be seeing this weekend, our last good-bye on Canadian soil. We love you all and please send us an email whenever you get a chance.


  1. Soooooo excited for you!!! No hair straightener at all though? really?? haha You will have a blast

  2. Ahh does life without a straightener already feel kind of liberating? ;)
    You are amazing for doing this - I cant wait to start living vicariously through you via your blog...despite how much I will also be desperately missing you!!

  3. Dear Jack & Johanna, Having heard about your great adventure, just wanted to send our greetings to you. We will hold you in our prayers during your travels and follow along your blog. Hope the backpacks don't feel too heavy with all the tag-along people that you'll be carrying! But best of all, your heavenly Father will be carrying you in His love and care!
    Bert&Anne Van Straten

  4. My stomach is doing flips I'm so excited for you!!! Counting down the hours till TAKE OFF!!

    Have an incredible time!!!

  5. Thanks for the well-wishes everyone! We're all packed up and ready to go. Our flight leaves at 4:30 this afternoon, and we'll arrive in Argentina sometime Tuesday afternoon. We'll be posting a new entry sometime soon.

  6. I've been thinking about you guys all day, and was watching planes as I drove home at 4:30 this aft... I know, wrong direction :-)! Praying for safe travels and a fantastic start. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  7. Also thinking of you guys all day!! I hope you have arrived safe and sound! Looking forward to hearing the details!! xoxo

  8. Did you guys make it!! PLEASE UPDATE US!! i feel so lost not knowing where you guys are! haha...
